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Mach 10's Flight Plan: A Manifest for Founders

A Manifest for Founders

January 1, 2024

Jarrod Barnes

Founder Notes

Welcome to the Crew:

I'm Jarrod. a founder, operator, and investor who's navigated the realms of visionaries and dreamers. Throughout my journey, I've discovered a common truth: financial modeling is a formidable beast, demanding mastery despite none of us being born with an innate grasp of balance sheets or income statements. My odyssey through pivot tables, Excel functions, and financial projections parallels the challenges I faced as a former athlete and college football coach pursuing an NFL career.

Consider the last time you opened a spreadsheet—a powerful yet complex canvas. The dilemmas of where to start, the contemplation of outsourcing, the strategic decisions about R&D allocation, the navigation of tech debt, and the concerns about fundraising falling short—these define the founder's journey, and this is precisely where Mach 10 steps in. It's not just about tackling financial intricacies; it's about easing the burdens of those pivotal decisions that shape the entrepreneurial path.

Prepare for Liftoff:

We’re designing a product for early-stage founders and small businesses to surpass barriers and move beyond conventional limits. A flight manifest details every critical aspect of a journey before takeoff. Similarly, our manifest serves as the blueprint for our company and as a promise for yours. 

In aerodynamics, hypersonic speeds exceed Mach 5. At Mach 10, you’re on the border of high-hypersonic, where  Thermal control becomes a dominant design consideration. Structures must either be designed to operate hot, or be protected by special silicate tiles or similar. The NASA X-43 set records as the fastest jet-powered aircraft on record at approximately Mach 9.6.

Our Mission:

We believe when you understand the financial trajectory of your business, you're not just making decisions quickly; you're making them wisely. With Mach 10, you're not just maintaining "default alive"; you're thriving, equipped to navigate and succeed in the fast-paced, ever-evolving startup landscape.

Our Core Product Pillars:

  • Clarity: We simplify complexity, turning chaos into a clear path forward.

  • Confidence: We equip you with the knowledge and tools to improve your quality of decision-making. 

  • Capacity: We free up your most valuable resource—time. 

In essence, Mach 10 is a platform built for the founders, the dreamers, the doers - for you. It's about making every decision, every plan, every vision for the future as informed and impactful as possible.

Interested in learning more and being part of our beta community? Sign up here. We’re learning from founders and shaping our roadmap to build Mach 10 from the ground up. 

Ready to take the first step?

  • Try our MVP Now: Dive into our AI-driven financial model analysis tool, designed to make complex financial planning simple and insightful. Access the Tool

  • Explore and Contribute on GitHub: Our journey is open-source. View, contribute, or fork our project on GitHub.

Stay tuned for our update next week!

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Transform your spreadsheet into a powerful, AI-driven financial analysis tool.

Transform your spreadsheet into a powerful, AI-driven financial analysis tool.

Transform your spreadsheet into a powerful, AI-driven financial analysis tool.